Kentlist, herb, health, immunity, digetion

Herbs to Enchance Women's Health

Women have tradintionally used nature's botanical gifts during times of transition in their reproductive cycles--to relieve premenstrual distress, to provide support during pregancy and labor, and to ease the sysptoms of menopause. Often the same herbs are used troughout a woman';s life and are classified as "female tonics." Black cohosh from America, chaste-tree berries quaifrom China are the best- known herbs used to balance the female reproductive system. Although their precise cechanisms are not fully understood, there is scientific evidence that these traditional medicines work.

One of the most popular women's herbs is black cohosh, prized by Native American woman for use during both reproductive and menopausal years. Studies have suggested that black cohosh can alliviate menopausal symptoms, although it is unclear exactly how it acts. Another popular botanical, vitex agnuscastus, comes from the berries of the chaste tree, once believed to inhibit sexual desire. Tinctures and tablets of this plant have traditionally been used to regulate menstrual periods as well as to relieve breast tenderness. In addition to its role in premenstrual sysptoms, chaste tree is widely recommended to reduce uncomfortable symptoms in menopause, althouh scientific research in this realm is limited.

Although not as well known in the West, Ayurvedic herbs have a long history in suport of a woman's physiology. Shatavari, or Indian asparagus, is the primary Ayurevidic female tonic used in India during both reproductive and postmenopausal years. There is some evidence that shatavari reduces uterine irritability, which may account for its reported benefit in premenstrual syndrome. From an energetic standpoint, most Ayurvedic women's herbs have cooling, soothing effects and are believed to pacify accumulated heat that causes the irritability of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the hot flashes associated with menopause. The juice of the aloe vera plant is another traditional Ayurvedic female tonic. Considered a cooling blood purifier, it is commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Although there is considerable scientific research on its woundhealing value, aloe vera's impat on women's health has not yet been investingated by Western medicine.

In Troditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dong quai has been used for thousands of years in the support of women's health, treating symptoms from menstrual cramping to menopausal hot flashes. Reports from China ahave highlighted the antioxidant and phytoestroginic properties of dong quai, but a recent study from California aild to confirm a measurable estrogenic effect in menopausal women. Further research will be necessay to see if scientific expalanations for the traditional claims of women's tonics can be uncovered.
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