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Aged, Blind and Disabled Medical Programs

What it is:

Medical coverage for aged, blind or disabled persons.

Who is eligible:

Persons who are age 65 and over, blind or disabled who meet income and resource requirements.

Income and Resource Requirements:

There are three types of medical coverage offered through the Aged, Blind and Disabled Medical Programs. They are:

  • Categorically Needy Program (CN); and
  • Medically Needy Program with no spenddown (MN); and
  • Medically Needy with spenddown (MN with spenddown).
  • If you have income below the level of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) standard for your area, you may be eligible for CN medical coverage.

    If your income falls between the SSI benefit level and the MN income limit level, you may be eligible for MN medical coverage.

    If you're over the MN income limit level, you may be eligible for MN with spenddown.

    The programs resource limits are $2,000 for an individual and $3,000 for couples.

    Before we compare your income to these standards below we may allow income deductions.

    Additional information about aged, blind and disabled programs is available at Health Care Authority website.